8 Things to Keep in Mind Before Joining Merchant Navy
Planning to join the merchant navy? Merchant navy is a unique career choice, but then there are certain things that you should consider before making it your career.
The list of why merchant marine is a very good career option (or not so good one), is very long but with the help of these top eight points, knowing why to opt for marine careers and what to look out for before joining the merchant navy will become genuinely easy.
1. Right Qualification
As with most professions, the right qualifications are necessary for this job too. Owing to the specialized nature of the work onboard ship, it is mandatory to have the right skill set for this line of work as well.
Respective streams for respective work onboard require a very focused skillset to be applied practically.
Therefore, the right institute is also to be taken into consideration as there are many to choose from.
Different countries have their own merchant navy rules and academies so it becomes necessary to enrol in the appropriate Institute as required by the nation’s merchant marine laws to get the required qualifications.
Related Read: How To Identify Fake Or Fraudulent Shipping Agents And Institutes?
2. Choose the Right Job
As mentioned above, the right stream must be chosen by an individual commensurate with his interest in that specific area of study followed by work.
Merchant marine offers a lot of job options – from technical to non-technical professionals. Radio officers, captains, able-bodied seamen, chefs, first mate and second mate are the kind of jobs that are available to the interested people.
You are the best judge of your capabilities, so choose your stream accordingly. Some positions come with high responsibilities and you should be ready to deliver your best.
Related Read: A Guide to Merchant Navy Officer Ranks
3. Health and Fitness
The sea tests human endurance, both physically and mentally. It is important to be fit physically as well as to have the right mental constitution to be prepared for any situation onboard.
You wouldn’t be selected if you are not fit. Since the merchant navy men have to be on the water for a major portion of the year, their health and fitness become a major concern.
Fitness is an aspect that not only pertains to an individual but also the others on board ship; seeing as all work onboard is teamwork and one job affects another.
Therefore, lax performance in one area can put the other areas to risk. Safety being of paramount importance, it is not prudent to have unfit people on board.
Related Read: Physical Fitness and Medical Requirements To Join Merchant Navy
Do note that health and physical fitness tests are carried out at regular intervals of time. They are conducted every time before boarding the ship and if any complication arises, the candidate will not be allowed to join the ship.
Passing the test during the time for admission in the course does not ensure you are fit for sea life. There are some tests which are carried in between the course (hearing compatibility test etc.) which if failed will lead to termination of the course.
4. Almost Negligible Social Life
The fourth aspect involved is about the amount of time spent offshore. If you are a social animal who likes to mingle with friends on every opportunity you can find, then better stay away from the Merchant navy.
The life at sea is a lonely one and takes a toll on your social life; some prefer it and some don’t- whoever tells you otherwise is lying outright.
With the extent of work and lack of free time to pursue social interests, ship life can get quite hard for a person.
Modern ships have internet and satellite phones which virtually reduce the distance from friends and family; however, it is no replacement for the usual social life onshore and more than that, the work leaves little to no room to engage in long conversations over the phone!
It is also prudent to remember that this aspect is more than negated by all the new places that one gets to discover (subject to time available).
If the person is adventurous, then the time period could go to the person’s advantage but if the person has a shy personality and needs emotional anchorage from friends and family then marine careers could be disadvantageous as it could lead to homesickness and unnecessary problems due to the person’s inability to adjust to the job.
Related Read: 12 Main Reasons Seafarers Quit Sea Jobs
5. Personality and Attitude
Seeing the same lot of people over months can automatically harbour resentment within an individual; if not resentment, then plain boredom!
Men of strong mental constitution tend to keep it together throughout their contract by having a positive personality with the right attitude towards the work at hand as well the people he’s working with.
Being a part of the merchant navy will allow a person to not only meet new people but learn lots of new things about different cultures of the world.
If you feel you are not the kind of person, who can compartmentalize his or her mind, then better give this career a miss.
This is why it becomes important before joining the merchant navy to know what type of a person one is and whether merchant navy will suit the person or not. Have some time to yourself and then decide.
Related Read: 6 Ways to Improve Interpersonal Relationship among Seafarers onboard Ships
6. Job surety and high income
Opportunities onshore have increased many times over for merchant navy professionals who are willing to put in the time. While the power/command and the pay onboard cannot be met fully onshore while starting out, putting in the years onshore or starting the right business can garner equal or sometimes, even more, income than at sea.
As far as jobs at sea go, with the cyclical nature of the shipping industry, we are in the bust cycle at the moment which has caused a slowdown in jobs and recruitment; there is job crunch in the seafaring industry especially at the entry-level (junior officers).
Related Read: 7 Reasons Deck Cadets and Junior Engineers are Not Getting Jobs
Candidates who cleared the required courses are finding it difficult to get a ship for completing their sea-time and training so that they can appear for competency exam to become officers.
A qualified seafarer past his training phase onboard gets paid rather well but the initial stages are hard (for deck/engine cadets and trainee ratings).
The entry-level candidates earn as much as any land job person, and hence it is only when you pass the exam and have a COC, then you get a good salary flowing into your account.
7. Tax-Free Income
Most of the amateur seafarers remain confused about the taxation system for the income earned, which leads to non-filing of tax returns. The income earned on a foreign going vessel, a seafarer may not always be tax-free (a general assumption).
You need to complete the required sea time in a financial year to claim a tax-free income else you will be considered under the tax slab for paying the income tax as stated by the government of the country.
For example, for Indian citizens, the tax earned on income earned from a foreign country is not taxable is the individual remains outside of the country for more than 183 days.
Related Read: Salary Earned At Sea: Is It Fair To Tax Income of Indian Seafarers?
8. Family onboard
It is natural to want to have family on board. A merchant navy officer can take his/her family on board ship only if allowed by the company or when all the norms of the company are complied with. Here “family” for a married person means only the wife and kids and not parents.
Parents are not allowed to go along with the seafarers. An entry-level officer will have a lesser chance to carry his immediate family than a management level officer, which again depends on the number of supernumeraries (family members) already present on a ship and the lifeboat capacity.
Sometimes, the trading route also determines if family carriage will be allowed. For example, in HRA areas such as when passing the Gulf Of Aden, the family carriage is not advisable.
Related Read: 7 Important Points A Seafarer’s Wife Must Consider When On Board Ship
Apart from all these points, it is also necessary that an applicant who wants to join marine careers does not have any past criminal record. If a person does have any such record, then he or she will not be eligible to join the merchant marine.
Related Read: Offences under Merchant Navy Code of Conduct Resulting in Dismissal from Job at Sea
Merchant navy is a lucrative career option and for the person who follows all the necessary steps needed to be primarily taken, it is one of the best career options of today’s times.
However, as with every field, there are few drawbacks attached to this as well. So choose the career of merchant navy wisely in case you are planning to.
You might also like to read:
- The Ultimate Guide To Join Merchant Navy
- Merchant Navy Recruitment Process – Entrance Exam, Salary And Jobs
- 12 Famous Myths About Merchant Navy People Have
- A Guide To Merchant Navy Uniform
- Joining The Merchant Navy After Class 12th in India
Disclaimer: The authors’ views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Marine Insight. Data and charts, if used, in the article have been sourced from available information and have not been authenticated by any statutory authority. The author and Marine Insight do not claim it to be accurate nor accept any responsibility for the same. The views constitute only the opinions and do not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader.
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About Author
Shilavadra Bhattacharjee is a shipbroker with a background in commercial operations after having sailed onboard as a Third Officer. His interests primarily lie in the energy sector, books and travelling.
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Hello… I wish to do job in marine
pls tell me ,i have commerce in 12th with math can i eligible for merchant navy??
Yes, you can join Merchant Navy as A Deck Officer
Hey ; my percentage is not good in 12 th tho i will join navy
My self MD ASIF RAZA, i am intrested in merchant navy becouse i want to
travel all of world by ship so i want to join merchant navy. please guide
me which is the best institute for merchant navy in india.
i have 12th pas with phy+che+math+ 50% and english 38%?
please gimme info about my carear.
i gave my 12th exams from commerce stream with computer science this year…….and i dont have maths as a subject…..but i m good in communication skills…i.e-english…m i eligible to join this ?
@ Aayush: Physics, chemistry and maths are the compulsory subjects for career as a Merchant navy officer.
plz tell me what i have to do , to be in merchant navy , i have completed my 12th this year
Dear sir,
i want to make my career in Merchant Navy, as i think that i am adventurous and can give my best in merchant navy, i also completed my B.Tech degree in Information Technology in 2011, so plz tell me what are the different opportunities for me in merchant navy and which are the good colleges for merchant navy.
hi sir ,
my self anand patel, i m studing in electronic & communication degree engineering.
so i ask that what should do for pre-preparation for joining merchant navy, tell me criteria for join MN.
thanks a lot!
I wish to join and work on board my documents are in progress when CDC will be given to me
i will apply for a job i,m also graduate in Commerce.
I like this most interesting information about merchant navy.
i have completed B.Tech from Computer Science Stream with 65% aggregate , I am so much interested in merchant navy so ,can i join merchant navy and which ranks/positions are open for me…my eyesight is weak but after wearing specs it is quite well can this can lead to disqualification in medical test…
I have commerce student now doing 2 with commerce straem with no maths. Am i eligible to join merchant navy as a carrer. If yes, then in which field & how.
Respected sir,
i m doing 12th dis year n i m confused dat merchant navy is good or not for my career so just pllz tell me wat to do…??
N yes i also want to know each n every thing about merchant navy (best company, procedure, fee structures, about coures, etc, etc)
so that in future if my interest develop towards it den i will join it….
Thank u…!!
I am a divyansh sharma study in 9 class I interested in merchant navy I got 78 %in class 8 so I am to merchant.t navy my father dreams that my son is going to merchant navy
I am in science strim and not I will complete my 12th year so what can I do to join this navy.
please tell me about me this at my g-mail login please…..
Sir, if i have an emergency in my famly when on ship, will i be allowed to come back or not????
myself yogesh presently persuingb.tech in mechanical engg.i am very much passionate about marchant navy ,pls tell me the possible entry mode to join m navy.
Dear Yogesh,
Please read the following link fore more info:
Do this site have a facebook page
Yes. -https://www.facebook.com/marineinsight
i m very much interested in joining this job……..but i m from commerce stream..what to do… please help
pls tell me ,i have passed ssc & iti in disel mechanic can i eligible for merchant navy?
Dear Benniz,
Yes you are eligible for giving the entrance test.
Sir could you suggest how to apply and get job in any good shipping comp.
i hv ind cdc. N im freshr.
so if you can help me..then tell me.
thankng you.
sir…..i have completed my BE in mechanical and scored 84%
can i join merchant navy as a engineer
pls suggest my some good marine insitute in india……….can i get good salary
i am B.E.mechanical engineering student.i like to work in merchant navy field.can i have get job without doing GME course.
Dear Akhil,
Since you are an engineer and you are best suited for Marine engineer job on ship, you have to go through the GME course.
i have done my b.tech from electronics …… am i eligible….. how i can apply ?
i have compelite gp rating cource.nd i have Belize CDC.wht is my career in m.navy.pls tell me.
Now i am studying mechanical engineering 2 year after completing my b.e can i join marine plz help me…
The best place to join merchant navy is through some shipping companies who can provide you sponsored training. There are no of companies in india like West line ship Management Pvt Ltd and many more from where you can get trained and get placed.
Hello Sir, I am highly interested in meerchant navy, but I hear that some companies allow their working cadets to work for six months, and rest for six months. Is it true!
Sir, how muh time does it take to get a promotion. Is there a system for promotions such as age limits, or does it totally depend on work experience and contribution for the company.
Sir, please describe the kind of personality that a deck cadet must have, and for succesive posts as well. Please mention the cons of merchant navy, if any. Though I highly doubt there will be any.
helllo sir,
my 10th-65.5%
+2 is 47.3%
i like to read in cource in engene dipart.
how i can dooo…..
sir what should I do for joining the merchant navy I have completed 12th with p+c+m 68.7rank at my best ..can you give me some suggestion for my career pls sir
Dear Nadeem,
You need to appear for IMU-CET (common entrance test). 60% PCM is the required eligibility criteria for Marine Engineering course.
i have compelitegp rating cource.ndi have Belize CDC.wht is my career in m.navy.pls tell me.
pls sir
Sir i kindly study in 11arts this year…and i have heartly wanted to join navy and im more interested to go for it…any institute that suits me…kindly plz let me know
Sir I’m of 35 yr old n a married person n I’v worked in army for 15 yrs n I’v got 72% in pcm n 86% in english in 12th standardized. Sir I would like to know is there any scope for me in merchant navy because I m very much interested to b a mariner. So sir plz do reply n help me.
I will b very thankfull to u!
Dear Sandeep,
Their is an age limit to join any officer level course in merchant navy.
Dear sir,
Now i am 26th can u join be marine engineering from 2 year’s. Because I completed DME 68% .it’s possible r not sir
I have passed SSC with A grade having 75% .in what way should I apply for merchant Navy
I want join merchant navy so plz guide and I have 12 pass out in sbj math phy che. Plz tell me sir how to join merchant navy?
I got 71% in PCM..nd 92 in eng …m confused which 1 to join plzz help me tell me a good traning college.I hav applied to Anglo eastern…BUt I dont know hwz d college is…plz tell me a good one…where 100% placement is there..hoping for a quick response….
Respected sir/mam
I am sumit and I just want to know about the bright future in merchant navy for a BCA student . And I complete my 12 th from HPBOSE with 55% marks which not be eligible for me to join merchant navy at that time . I think i might be crosses 70 % in BCA after then i am eligible or not.hoping for quick respond .
@ Sumit
For 10+2 students, eligibility requirement includes PCM marks>= 60%
If you are undergoing a degree course, it should have physics as one subject and age for joining as a deck cadet should not be more than 25 years.
I have answered my 12th Science with (P+C+M ) . I would like to do BSC in Nautical Science. Is there a entrance exam to take admission for Nautical Science . I want to join the merchant navy as deck officer .
i have completed my B.E in mechanical with 55 % aggregate. i want to join merchant navy. what are the steps i should follow and what are the best institutes i should apply for? please suggest and also the procedure.
thank you
@ Vaibhav:
Please check the following article – https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/how-to-become-a-marine-engineer-after-doing-mechanical-engineering/
Sir, can you please tell me what is the minimum requirement of eye vision.
I going to complete 6month deck cadet course and after getting blieze cdc wat is the procedure for applying for job is blieze cdc is acceptable in india for job
Hi I am Mahendra I can join the merchant navy how to apply for the first time in the Indian navy. …
Dear Mahendra,
Merchant Navy and Indian Navy are two different sectors.
sir,,,, i have an institute which guarentees job after the cource but on net i have seen many reviews of people that they have done gp rating cource and now they are sitting idle yet bcoz of no jobs,, so i want to know the reason behind it… i am worried that will my money be waisted by joining merchant navy??? another question is that does it matters to do cources from a higher/lower level institutes?????
Check the last 2 years placement record (contact senior students of the college for this info). If the college says 100% placement assistance, this does not mean a guaranteed job. Any thing in black and white from the college will hold good as a proof of guaranteed placement.
Yes. It does matter from which institute you are passing out.
sir,I have completed the diploma in mechanical, so plz tell me how can I join the merchant navy?????
can i join merchant navy after my SSC bord examinations?
im a graduate in electrical engineering. i came across the course named ETO(electro technical officer ).the course seems to suit me . but ,im really confused on deciding the institute. i cannot risk myself on placements. would u suggest an institute with decent placement record. ?
Hy sir, can you please tell me that while opting commerce stream with physical fitness can i join murchant navy right now i am in +2 class
I have specs can i join merchant navy
hello sir my name is gurjeet singh and i pass +2 with good result and i am fit and healthy so i want to join murchant navy it is my dream
@ Gurjeet singh: If you scored >60% in PCM, you are eligible.
@ Ashok:
Check this article for more info: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/8-myths-to-be-cleared-up-before-joining-merchant-navy/
The basic eligibility criteria is to have > 60% marks in PCM for 10+2.
@ Sarath,
Try for an institute which is un parallel by a ship management company like AESM, Univan maritime etc.
You should have > 60% in PCM in 10+2 for joining Merchant Navy.
i have pursued baf and i have attaine 74% . am i eligible to be in account dept in merchant navy if yes what should i do for it
@ Kaushal: Their is no such post in merchant navy. You can join a shipping company in their shore office with such opening, as any other business entity.
hellllooooo sir
I m doing a course of DNS from IMA ( international maritime academy ) , from Chennai but without sponsorship..
nd my question is that sir
can I will get a sponsorship from any companies after completing a DNS course from IMA??
Respected Sir,
Please convey for Social & Family life of Second Engineer in Merchant Navy.
hi sir
I’m having overall 70.2% in 10 2.and 66% in pcm also 76% in english….
I waana know ,how I can get a sponsorship? n which componies are providing dis? n also what is the avg. salary offered to the trainee officer…. plz repy me in my e-mai id.that is aakashchand123@rediffmail.com thnk u
i love to join navy .but i am avg student doing B.E Engineering . I want your help , just tel me whather i can
join navy if i have lost 2 years in Engineering. pls reply on my E-mail id that is
i wil be very thankful
@ Gaurav : If you are doing your engineering in mechanical stream, then you have a chance. Check this article for more info :
sir i haave filled aema form but dont know the date of imu
Respected Sir,
I have completed my BSC(H)BIOTECHNOLOGY with 62% , and I have done some computer courses also. Sir is there any scope for me to get a job in merchant navy.
To work on Engine side of ship, you need to have degree in mechanical.
To work on deck side, PCM requirement in 12th + age limit criteria to be fullfilled.
after completing mechanical engineering
what is the criteria to join merchant navy……..my interest is to join merchant navy
i am rakesh and i want to join merchant navy and now i am studying in engg as mechanical student. i want join this trough sponsorship and i heard that “Alpha 9 marine services” they will offer this and can you suggest me is it not fake na …..plz
@ Rakesh,
Do check the comments posted on this article;https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/why-fake-job-agents-and-scams-thrive-in-the-maritime-industry/
@ Kartik,
Please refer this article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/how-to-become-a-marine-engineer-after-doing-mechanical-engineering/
I completed my plus two computer science and I joined ITI (computer operating and programming assistant ) .I want to become a navy officer what can I do.
@ Rekha: Their is age limit to join this field. By Navy officer, I am understanding you are interested in Merchant navy..
Sir, i am passed 12th with pcm 52.66% can i join merchant navy and in which course. My age is 18
Sir i had done my degree in arts . Is there any opportunities for me in
Merchant navy if yes then plz suggest me suitable course and best institute
Plz sir
what is family or social condition in this job . can we stay with family or not .
sir,i am a appearing 12th in pcm ,what i am confuse between diploma in nautical science and degree in nautical science,plz tell me which is the best career diploma or degree,,,,please help me
sir I just need to ask that I am a poor student but its my dream to become an Merchant navy and even I am the only son of my daddy what should I do…I will complete my 12th by the next year…what should be my next step sir?
I’m doing 12 pcm …..which is best college for merchant navy….
sir,pls tell me,i have commerce in 12th with phycal education. Can i eligible for merchant navy??
I hv done Bsc in computer science…my 12 th std pcm is less dan 55%… m I elligible for deck cadet or other..plz reply
yes you are…
i want to join merchant navy but my stream is commerce and no maths and i M mad for merchant navy help me
I am totaly intrsted to join in navy,bt idont konw what was i do for that,…now i am in 12th,i dont konw where tha collage ,what tha fee,and how i will ready for that,and tha qualification for a navy student
sir, iam persuing my final year b.tech from electronics and communication engineering. but i want to join merchant navy as a deck officer.so kindly show me right path for the same as how to aplly nd to whom to apply.its really very important and urgent too sir.
I am oiler. I am Indian.please select me &call me.my number is +917076727828.
Can you please tell me currently in merchant navy which post have maximum placement opportunity. so after completing course on you should not be a jobless.
respected sir ..
i hv just given my 12th exams n I wish to join merchant navy as a deck officer .. so would u please suggest me what should I do further in order to apply for that post n I am giving the IMU cet exam too ….. so would u plz guide me ..
u can mail me at
thank u
I have just passed my x. i am interested in merchant navy. sir can you please guide me.
Please ask questions at https://forums.marineinsight.com
well,I must say that am very impress of reading the rules and regulations guarding MN,if these are what needed financially am OK with it,but I am just 21 years old having the dream from childhood, writing my ssce now,hopefully am going to make it because am physically fit.
Sir i am a class X student i opted PCM as my subject and i want to know if i am eligible for this field, and i am very much interested in this field because i like the adventure stuff!
Please suggest me sir
thank u
Please ask your questions at our Forums: https://forums.marineinsight.com/
Yes you are eligible if you have PCM > 60% in 10+2
Mr. Anish
I am in 12th class
How i join merchant navy after paSsing 12th
Please guide me
Please ask questions at https://forums.marineinsight.com
Hello sir my self am jeevan reddy nd am having NCVT in marine engines, am having a doubt tht am having an eye sight am i eligible fo cdc…plz give a suggestion sir…
Yes. It depends upon your eye number and which department/ duties you are going to perform.
dear sir.
I am studing at 12th pcm I want to join merchant navy as a deck cadet …I want to know about entrance exam to purse it …please suggest me ….kya deck cadet ke course ke bad bhi fee lagta hai 3rd/2nd officer ke liye
You can ask all your queries in our forums- https://forums.marineinsight.com
Dear sir
I am studing at clas-11clas-11th p.c.m. I want to join merchant navy so plze say sir what can i do…sir plze help me to join merchant navy
@Shivam: Get 60% in PCM + english i 12th and maintain a good health. You can opt for IMU CET exams once you clear your class 12
Hello sir, I am 19 year old and completed my 12 from commerce with maths and scored 55%. I wants to join indian navy and wants to earn and explore the world. I am 6″ with 55 kg weight. So can you please tell me that m I eligible for Indian navy and which post is suitable to me as per my bio data.
@ Karan: You are in the wrong forum. This website is to assist those who are in Merchant Navy (Not Indian Navy).
hello sir, I am tarak acharya I have very interested to join in merchent navy, I am completed 12scince with45% and diploma in mechanical fresher, can I join in merchent navy.
Myself nishant, I am 18 year old and completed my 12 this year.i hv got 78% in PCM and 68% in english. So please tell me how to join merchant navy after 12.
@ Tarak: You are interested in joining which department?
We have created Marine Insight Forums >> https://forums.marineinsight.com to answer all technical, non-technical and career related queries. Please post your further questions at our forums.
i love navy i got 60per marks in 10and in12i got 67 can i join navy?
Sir, which is the best field in merchant navy
@Manish: Each Department has it’s own importance for successful ship operation. It depends on the candidate which profile he/she choose.
my name is mo. daud mubarak ali. this time i study 12 in science ……… so sir i want make career in merchant navy [mechanical side] .
you can help me, what i do something in future
your faithfully
Sir I appear B.E. Mechanical engineering from pune university how I can join merchant navy after completing my graduation
sir.I have eye sight.Am I eligible to join as merchant navy
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Thanks a lot in advance.
My friend has has completed 36 months in sea now working as Able Seaman and passed 12th std. He would like to join 2nd mate exam in Liverpool University U.K. During the 36 month he trained in 4 months each in passenger ship and 4 months in dredger ship. whether these periods will be counted as in the 36 months period? please comment.
now i’m only 15 and i really interested in merchant navy i want to feal any adventures thing that in merchant navy.
And i’m giving a high school exam that you please suggest me what i dooo….
Sir I am a computer science engineering student
1>I want to know this if I join then I will get India cdc or foreign cdc
But I want Indian cdc
2> there is a small criminal case of one of my family member then it will not affect me or isn’t.
Please reply me …
Sort out my problems….
Dear Vaibhav.. Please post your questions at https://forums.marineinsight.com
hello sir i m shobhit tiwari .i’ve passed 10&12boad exam with good marks.but i m 16 year old .may iam able to marchent navy.
sir,i had done my m.tech in Electronic and Communication engg. with 75 % percentage ,can i join the merchant navy
My name Bhavesh Rathod.i am selected in merchant navy.i am go to dehradun for 4 months training. After 4 months training can i select in merchant navy job??So sir please give me some instructions for the merchant navy carrier.
sir do we need aggregate 69% in pcm or a total of 60% in pcm .
Dear sir,
I’m very interested in merchant Navy.
I’m doing Mechanical engineering 4th year.
So for GME course it is necessary to give IMU-CET entrance exam for getting admission for GME course in any Marine institute.
sir my self mukesh gupta .i complited bsc with pcm im very excited to join m navy .sir pls tell me how can i start my future in m navy …pls sir
Please post your queries in the dedicated forum: https://forums.marineinsight.com
No need for IMUCET if taking admission in GME
Anish , i liked ur comment ,i am interested in marchant navy so can i get detail how to join
sir, i have passed 10 with 74.60% n want to join merchant navy which course i should take..
Im presently doing my 12th from ISC and im very much interested in joining merchant navy.I have good communication skills and I like to travel a lot as well as cook.So sir can you pls tell me what all CET’s are going to take place in the near future and which institute is most suitable for me.Im quite sure that Ill get over 80% with PCM in boards.
Thank You
Anish sir i have scored 35 marks in english in 10th standard can i join merchant navy as deck or crew engine
I would like to inquire if I can join the merchant navy at 45 age. Currently I work as an HR manager and wanted to join the Navy as soon as I finished my Mechanical Engineering and have got the go ahead from my family now. Please reply immediately since I do not want to waste any more time. I would like to join in the engineering stream and make up for the lost time.
Hi sir,,
myself digvijay gaikwad…plz tell me can i join in merchant navy…?? I comletely my 12th in science stream…I get 79.33% in physics,maths and computer science…so i can join in merchant navy…plz reply fast….I want to go in deck ….
@Digvijay: Yes you can.
Their is an age limit. You are not eligible.
My date of birth is 19-09-1999…..so i can join…plz tell any best academy name for G.P.Rating course
Can i join merchant navy..I do only S.T.C.W course for 15 Days…Plz reply
It depends on which post or position you want to join. You need to have a CDC to work on ship
I complited my BCA .which post is better for me ..and also how to join
sir i was interested to join merchant navy i had done BE in electronics&communication ,what is possible way to join and how can i join merchant navy
@Hanumantha: You can join as ETO on ship – https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/career-of-electro-technical-officer-on-ship/
Sir Please inform me about the fee of acdmy during a study ..
Hlo Sir,
I have done BCom.. Can I join merchant navy..? Please tell me because I want to make my career in it.
I want to join merchant navy is it possible because I am a art student bt I want to make my career in merchant navy
If you fulfil these criteria, you might try for this field:
The basic requirement is PCM as a subject for deck officer and marine engineer courses. If you are mechanical Graduate, you will be eligible for GME course for marine engineer. Their is an age restriction to join this field.
I want to join merchant nevy.I am passed 10th in 7o% 12th 72% Bsc 58%. and i want to know what facilities nevy give me.and what powers gives me.and what salary i can get in nevy monthly
Which institute is right for merchant navy.i have pass the entrance of dgn academy delhi, is this better for marchent navy
I have just passed my 12th with commerce.i am interested in merchant navy ,sir can u please guide me…
Please sir…
@Govind You need to have science stream (PCM) to join as deck officer or engineer. You can join crew / rating side with commerce stream
I want to join in navy like merchant navy.my 10th percent is 98 and intermediate is 90%.please tell me how to join in it.7095103593 it’s my number.contact me please
sir m 2nd year in science stream ..so could u plz tell me which is best college of diploma in naut.science in south india for low fees
I want to join in navy like merchant navy.
Im (PCM) HS passed. Is it applicable for me to get Deck officer
i am b.a person.so can i join this job.
Dear sir last time i work in kish port iran 6 month. Now i have bailz cdc . i want good company in marchant navy now i’m what do???? Plz send answer my gmail id…plz tell right & good way
My name is harkesh swami from jhunjhunu (rajasthan )
Sir I have completed G.P Racting course from shree ram instut Delhi . or mere cdc bhi aa gya hain and passport bhi
I want to join m.navy plz help me
My contract no 9001329166
Merchant navyi
Is my dream .
I Am Become a Navy Officer
sir i m in class 12 how to join merchant navy after12?
Hello Sir, Is there any diploma courses after 2nd Puc in commerce to become a seamen
You can find similar queries or post yours in our career forum: https://forums.marineinsight.com/forum/join-merchant-navy
Respectfully Sir…… my name is dilip tamang and iam 8 class pass i want to join merchant navy bcoz i love our navy so what i do…..
I am Manish
I had completed my graduation in (bsc.it) I want be an officer in merchant navy do what I should do
Plz replay
hello sir.. I had completed my 10 with pcm 47% English n 12 commerce with 60% n my age is 22 yr old so can i eligible for merchant navy.. please reply sir..?
My aim is to become a merchant officer…. So how can i join the merchant navy… Its my dream to join the merchant navy……
Hllow sir i have hondrus cdc and dg approved stcw i want salling in india any ship are available for me i m freshers. I m suffering from money problem plzz support me
Contact 7877022557
Email rawath995@gmail.com
I want to join in merchant navy.bur i don’t know how can join in merchant navy
Sir i am vipul singh and my dream is join merchant navy i study in class 9 in last year in class 8 my percentage is 80%sir please tell me which collage better to join in navy
Sir,my self sunil singh or study at bsc 2year can i join merchant navy …my father also a army man so can i join
Hello sir
Need sponsoship for gme…(graduate marine engg)
i m lokesh kumar from delhi
btech mechanical having 76%
plz help
I am commerce student can i joint merchant navy for my career
i compleated my diploma in 2014 , and i have compleated plustwo in after my diploma can i have to join ETO
Respected sir I have recently completed my GP Rating course and looking for job but everyone asking for service charge , i was already paid too much money for course then also they are asking to pay SC. Can you help me to get onboard with minimum fees.
Sir i have complete 12th in pcm with 55%marks
Sir my question is
The deck cadit course how long session is this and how many pay for this
Respected sir
my self sanjit majumdar son of jagadish. The marchent nevy is the sorce of the right choise for many bachalers like me.
And dear sir, I live at nadia in west bengal. and I am a aurch student. I passed ba in 2011 how can I join to your family the marchen navy. Realy I love sea and seling….
your respectfully
sanjit .
Pls give me instruction about marchant navy to how i can join bcz
I think this is very hard to join
Dear sir
Pls give me instruction about marchant navy to how i can join bcz
I think this is very hard to join
l am doing Bsc 3rd year so can join this
I’ve recently saw students of TS Chanakya on hunger strike related to placement problems .
Is it very difficult to get job in merchant navy ?
If not then what is the chance of getting a lavish carrer in this field ?
Sir I am join and selecting that merchant Navy as my
But I am physically unfit…
What can I do…
Sir my perentage is 53% or I wanted to join the nave so can I join.
sir/madam, i am souvik roy from bhubeneswar , i just want to know if any student who passed from nios (national institute of open school )his 10,12 both , can he join the marine courses or is there any problem when the placement are going because someone had said to me that open schools candidate are not allowed , please sir , clear the things, as soon as possible , i m want to take an admission, thank you
I completed my 10th with 63% I want to do a job in marchant navy what can I do sir please tell me
I am girl and I want to join merchant navy after 12th.I got 80% inPCM.plz tell me how can I join?
respected sir,
myself Gagan i done my 12 with physics ,chemistry and maths .And just now i done my b.tech with mechanical engineering . please tell after this what should i have to do for being apart of merchant navy .
Sir,is the training of merchant navy is hard.sir I m in 11th std with pcm if I get more than 80% in 12th which course is suitable for me n also tell me its course n salary…..plz sir tell me by mail or on this site as soon as possible
I have passed my 12th from PCB .can I join merchant navy?
Sir .My name is sachin singh.
I would like to join able boded seaman .I am passed with 12 arts stream.can I join this
marine engineering is good or ocean engineering or civil engineering…….
In which field I should go to join indian navy merchant navy……….
Indian Navy and Merchant Navy are two different streams.
Each course has it’s own requirements. It entirely depends on you what you want to choose…
Yes, you can.
Please check this article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
@Gagandeep: Check this article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/how-to-become-a-marine-engineer-after-doing-mechanical-engineering/
@Payal: please check this article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
I dont know how swim.. Is this a problem for joining navy.. I got a interviw from merchant navy
hello sir
I have completed my 12th PCM from NIOS, can i apply for the merchant navy ?
Namaste sir mera name kanhaiya kumar singh hai .mai bihar se belong karta hu .mai merchant navy me join karna chahta hu .deck cadet se jana kaisa hoga .mai 10class first devision 65%se paas kiya hu in 2013.aur Isc first division 65%in bihar board in 2015 .mera date of birth 04-06-1997hai.koi acchi advice mai aapka abhari bana rahunga dhanyabad
Indian Navy and Merchant Navy are two different streams.Each course has it’s own requirements. It entirely depends on you what you want to choose…
i am in 11th class now with pcm and electronics as respective subjects.i have confusion that we have to give jee advance and cet main for joining merchant navy??
@Kishn: Similar question has already been answered here: https://forums.marineinsight.com/forum/join-merchant-navy/2557-admission-in-navy-institute
You need to appear for IMUCET.
Hello sir,
i am priya completed B tech with 80%. im intered to join in merchant navy. how can i join in merchant navy and what is the improvement. which place is better to me if im got that job.
I’m chemical engineer with 64%, sir I want to join merchant navy please suggest me best way to join
Sir what is the minimum % required in sci to join merchant navy and if someone has done tattoo on his hand can hi join merchant navy
Do read our article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/10-common-questions-asked-by-aspiring-merchant-navy-professionals/
Please ask your question at https://www.marineinsight.com/forum
You cannot join as a marine engineer. (requirement is a degree in Mechanical Engg.).
If you are within the age criteria, you can join the deck side by joining DNS (Diploma in Nautical Science) course.
You need to have a mechanical degree to join the engine department in merchant navy.
You can ask detailed questions in our forums: https://forums.marinensight.com
Hi sir
This is v.Sateesh I have completed my mechanical engineering by 2016. How can I join in merchant navy what is the procedure for it can you please explain it for me. And is their any additional course should I join for merchant navy Dept.
Dear sir
I am pavan Kumar just passed BSc in DR BHIM RAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY AGRA with 62.38% I will take a science stream.
I am interested to join marchant navy
Suggest me for right way to get marchant. Navy job
MY CONTACT NO.8193959448
Sir i have completed my diploma from electrical engineering after 10th. I have not done 12th. So can join merchant navy
My self Vipin and I want to join merchant navy. But, when I was small my right arm was broken so can I get admitbinthe merchant navy .
@Vipinrajbhar Please check this link for more information: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/physical-fitness-and-medical-requirements-to-join-merchant-navy/
@mohit Yes you can join merchant navy as a rating.But if you want to join merchant navy as a officer, you need 10+2 qualification.
Sir i had compeletd b.tech mechanical engineering. I want to do job in merchant mavy. Can i elgible for that job
Hello Sir, My name is Dayawan from Mumbai. I want to join the Marchant navy i got 52% in PCM group & 58% in English.
Now, I m in Bsc IT second year
Sir if their any chance to join navy please sir i want to know because i really loves navy lifestyle.
Dear sir i’m in class 11 with PCM as subject how could i become a merchant navy officer . I wore specs..
I’m actually looking right now in a career for the merchant marines I’m based out of the United States East Coast I don’t have a military background is it still possible for me to join as an Able Body Seaman right off the streets
Thanks any information would be much appreciated
How can I join in navy after12th please tell me iam a girl now I read in std 9th
How can I join in deck officer after 12th
@Laraib: Please check these article:
i’m i eligible to appy for merchant navi when i had completed 12 th @ commerce section and had a degree in b com
Hello,i am a second year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in mech engg,given that i am considering merchant navy as my go-ahead path,what and where exactly,i shall start digging?(Thank you)
Hellow sir,
My self kunal hindole. Sir I want to joint merchant navy.I gave my 12 sci board exam but sir iam failure in maths and i will again give the maths exam in 2017.
Here are my marks
………..i needed 58marks in maths to qualify for merchant navy.
Sir iam a national level runner.
Sir am i eligible for merchant navy
Will any marine university will give me admission.
Please sir reply
Similar questions have already been answered in our forums:
Sir i have tattoo on my hand so can i join the merchant navy??
Sir Myself SARATH KUMAR CDC NO MUM176010 posses a Cirtificate Of Proficiency as Ratimg Forming Part Of an Engineeruing Watch.
can i join as an Oiler or Dunkey Greaser.
Pls guide me..
@Ajith Kumar:
Please check this: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/10-common-questions-asked-by-aspiring-merchant-navy-professionals/
Height. Yes you can join.
For eyesight requirement, please check this link:
Hello,i am yash in class 11 and being want a adventurous career ,i want to apply for merchant navy as a officier ,so my question is that- what is the time peroid of job as a officier in merchant navy and plz give a link to get more and right information about merchant navy “thank you”:
@Yash. I am assuming you are asking about time period a seafarer has to be on the ship?
It will depend on your rank and contract (Junior officers sails for 6-9 months and senior officer for 3-5 months).
Please search among various articles for things you want to know: https://www.marineinsight.com/category/careers-2/
hello sir this is prem kumar……. i done my b.tech in mechanical engineering 2014 . my date of birth is 31-05-1993 . i want to become marine engineer so i would to join in merchant navy…… did i eligible to join ???? can u please tell how much age limit to join ?
dear sir,I want to join marchant navy.I have done mechanical diploma.& got 74.2%
Yes, you can.
i want to know some companies names for merchant navy officers for my brother to send his C.V , he is graduated from maritime transportation
do you know any companies with a good salary for third officer please,,thanks in advance.
I have graduation in science and fire&safety PG diploma i want some safety officer job in ship
You need to have a continuous discharge certificate and basic STCW courses to board a vessel.
I am a 37 year old, USN Veteran with an Honorable Discharge and some college. Am I eligible? If so, what steps should I take?
@Pavan: You can opt for Electro-technical officer jobs on a ship after doing required courses.
Check this link for more info- https://forums.marineinsight.com/forum/main-forum/936-electro-technical-officer-eto
if you wish to ask more questions, you can register and post your query in the forums.
hi i am pursuing my 12 having PCB so can i join merchant navy or not if not hn wht i hve to do for it sir
@Radhika: Please refer this article- https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
I will personally advise looking for other career options too as the current maritime job market is going through a really bad phase.
Best of luck.
Very interested job Iam iemedyatli joining a merchant navi
Sir my age is 30 and I’m an engineer done by electronic communication. Sir can I join navy anyhow
Hello sir,
I am a BE Graduate in ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS. I have a cleared written and personal interview, next is medical test for which they are asking a fee of RS 3000/-. It’s a company called alpha9 marine sevices . I am confused. Can I trust this company? Is it fake?
I am really interested in joining merchant navy. Pls help.
Thank you
What are the steps to do after 12th
To become a deck officer
I am yogesh mahindrakar I want to join merchant navy. i am perusing Msc In zoology.
Hii sir my self MOZAMMIL ZAFAR. WHAT step to do after 12th to join merchant navy.
I am passing 12th with PCMB.
Please suggest me. My age is 17 and my height is 5.8 fit
hello!! Anish sir,actually m vry much interested in merchant navy ..its my childhood dream n now m gng to make it possible ..so please help me ..what should i do for that course.now m gng to pass the 12th board [science ]so plese give me usefull details to proceed after 12 .plese reply me soon sir…
Areee bekar job hii with lots of risk
He got 5 lake per month for 6 month
A government A grade officer got 2.80 lakh per month for 12 month with lots of extra money
This job is best for pide and discipline money is almost equal
Sir i hv a lots of interest in merchant navy …. Its lke my biggest dream..
Sir i completed my 12 xam science… So what should i do lke further course to join merchant navy… Sir reply soon.. Ill b in wait..
Sir. What is age to join the merchant navy…..
Sir , meanwhile i am studying b.tech food tech . Pls tell me that if i have an opportunity to join merchant navy or not …
Hi There,
I have done B.E Computer Science and Engineering and I have around 5 years experience in IT Sector and now I am willing to move Navy Safety work. Kindly let me know whether do i need to study further or would be eligible for any posting in Navy Software development side
Do check that you are still under the age limit for joining Merchant navy.
@Mozammil: Please check this article for more info: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
Dear, Sir i completed my 12 xam and stcw Courses also completed can i join ?? my age 28
@Subhra: You just need to have PCM as your 10+2 subject and clear the IMU CET exam (including a medical examination).
Read more in detail here- https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
@Rajat: The degree requirement is of mechanical engineering. With your qualification, you need to join on the basis of your 10+2 PCM marks.
Sir, i want to know that , which intitute is best according to you for B.Sc nautical science 3 year course or diploma in nautical science
Hii Sir I am Dillon Koli .I have completed my basic STCW 2010 .and Just I have given HSC board exam in commerce stream.can I get any kind of job in marchant navy
Hello sir ,I m pranit ,my age is 21 years ,I have diploma in fire service engineering,i have experience of 2.5 years as a fire crew incharge ,so is there any scope for me. I passed 12th with PCMB
Sir, I am an ex servicemen and am interested to join in Merchant Navy..can u please give me informations regarding on how to get into MN and also what type of jobs I can apply and how..
Sir I am afzal shaikh iam in 10 std I want to became a merchant navy so what should i will do to became a officer plss sir reply n give me suggestions bcz i don’t know about this so plz sir its dream of my mom can u plz sir make me on a good level n my age 15 and hieght 5.5 n also on growth so sir what i will do after 10 plzz sir rply me
Please check this article for complete details- https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
hi sir im lack of seven days to complete 17 years (07/08/2001) ,and because of it,i am unable to give IMUCET this year 2018 ,am i eligible next year ,does one year gap counts on for the admission
@Venkatesan: You can give the exam next year. One year gap will not affect the admission procedure as you have a valid reason for matching the age limit.
Hello Anish,I have been selected in westline shipping company.The allotted training college is R L INSTITUTE OF NAUTICAL SCIENCES.I have completed my btech in mechanical stream.Can I join in that company is it good one.I have come to know that westline has its RPSL and is approved by D.G shipping of India.Reply me soon……….thanking you in advance
@Rajavardhan: First of all, please clarify if it is a Shipping Company or Ship management company. If it is a ship management company, they do not own any ship and acts as a manager for other owners (which is a different scenario).
Second, why you are going to a college via a 3rd party? You can directly get admission. Have they promised job after successful completion of career? If yes, is it in legal writing? If yes, there are many candidates who have been promised by similar RPSL approved companies that they will provide 100% placement after completion of course, but the catch is the timeline. There is no clarification of “When” after completion of the course, and freshers are waiting to join the ship for training for more than a year.
I have asked few counter-questions on top of yours and I am sure once you find out there answers, you will be able to figure out what decision you need to take.
Best of Luck.
Hai sir
My name is amal nath ,iam from kerala now iam studying pre sea rating course this month i complete my course pls suggest some placement cells
@Amal: Currently, we are not into job placements or ship management sector.
hello anish sir i passed my 10th with 53% and now i am studying in 12th science but because of my father’s illenessi want to do a job and navy is my dream so can i do this job and i am a girl i have a good learning skills and communication skill plzz…..sir reply me i am in need for this job because i am the elder in family i have to look after my family
@Niha: Why Not! A girl can join any stream. Please check this article on how to join Merchant Navy after class 12th:
Hi sir,
I am pavan.i am studying btech in Electronics And Computer Science Dept(ECM).will I eligible to join in merchant Navy after 2 years.plzzz reply soon when u see his msg.
Thanking you.
@Pavan: Yes, you can. Please do check the age factor before considering.
Hii sir i am appearing in 12 pcm and i want to join merchant navy but my one eye is weak can i am able to appear for merchant navy if yeas then what course should i do and which institute should i go plzzzzz answer me sir i am waiting plzzzzz
Sir main MA complete ker chuka hoon present time my age is 24 years kya main merchant navy join ker skta hoon
Hello Anish sir,
Sir I have completed my 10th with 95% and presently I am in class 12 with PCM. What are the minimum requirements for me and what should I do next to join merchant navy
@Rohit: Please check this article for detail information –
Hellow sir ,
I HAVE make my good career in merchant navy .
After completing 12th std in PMC , So what I do for join merchant navy.
Sir i missed this years imu cet exam and couldnt apply for merchant navy for some reasons can i apply for it next year even though i am enrolled ri8 now for bsc it
hello sir
i m doing bca i can join merchant nevy
Sir , I am 35 years old from this July with diploma in electronics and communication with 62 %. I am working in aviation industry from last 6 years. Can I eligible for ETO ???
If you are still complying with the age limit criteria- yes you can.
@Dheeraj: Which stream you want to pursue: Engine department or deck department?
sir i want to join oiler merchant navy again i have already done this job for some months but bcz of some personal reason left my job but i want to join again . plz help me and i have my all documents with me.
I am graduate be mechanical engineer. Also I have completed oil and gas,QAQC in welding pipping, NDT. So can I join in merchant navy .will I get direct job in merchant Navy.I am 23 years old.plss reply sir
I have completed my BE from fire technology and safety so their is any SCOP for me in merchant Navy.
Hi Amish give me ur mail id..
I am pursuing final year b.tech ,tomorrow we have have a placement drive in my college for westline shipping company.so,please give me any suggestions for me to join merchant navy.
@Marwan: You need to complete the STCW courses and apply for a CDC.
If the company has a college of there own, you can think of joining. However, most of the company will tell you to join a 3rd party college. It is always better to approach the college by yourself. Choose those colleges which provide sponsorship to complete your first sailing as trainee/ cadet.
sir i did bsc with 60 % and 12th pcm 66% but in 12 englis mark less than 50 i got 49 in 12th and 68 in 10th
can i join merchant navy
iam intrested in dns (deck cadet)
Hello sir i am jaspreet singh from i am studying in 12 std.
My question is PCM is compulsory for this job because i am the student of commerce without maths
When will the AIMNET or CET will conduct
…what price is required for gp rating…and best college for it.
@Jaspreet: To work as an officer on the ship, PCM qualification is a requirement.
I am doing b.tech in Mechatronics.Am I eligible for merchant navy and if yes what will be my salary?
@Kavita: you need to have a mechanical degree to join the marine engineering stream or you can join on the basis of 10+2 requirement (if the age limit qualifies). Please check this article for the basic salary structure:
Sir I have completed my B.E.(Electrical) in 2014 and now I am thinking to do COURSE on E.T.O. and my age is 28. So I want to ask that is it too late to do E.T.O. course ?
@Vivek: The maximum age requirement is 35 years.
Sir, i am 17 years old and i am in 12th std i want to know. What are the thing for rank push in merchant navy is it based on exam or just year promotion.
@Vishal: All the important ranks requires clearing of a certificate of competency (COC) exams, which is the basis of promotion onboard after sailing for the required time as per the company policy.
Sir I’m mechanical engineer have degree as well as diploma and 6 months warehousing experience I want to make my career in merchant navy …please guide me ..
@Karan: Please check this article: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/how-to-become-a-marine-engineer-after-doing-mechanical-engineering/
Hii greetings to you sir ,
My name is Syed moin.
I have completed diploma in civil engineering and diploma in fire and safety engineering,
I have worked for 2.5 years in the fire and safety field. I am willing to join merchant navy, kindly guide me , what post can I get and the procedure to join.
Sir,iam studying deplom in mechanical engineering… How i can join marine engineering.
Which is tha best college sir.
@Sanjai: Please check these links for more info
1. https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/how-to-become-a-marine-engineer-after-doing-mechanical-engineering/
2. https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/list-of-institutes-offering-graduate-marine-engineering-gme-course-in-india/
Respected sir,
My name is prachi gabani Still I’m BE computer engineering student and I’m in 3rd year. I’m 21 years old after. I had got less than 60% in 12th. I want to join merchant navy. Can I eligible for joining sir?
Thank you
Sir im a MSc student and i completed my PUC @ 2014 with 60+% in PCM. How can i join merchant navy??
What are the chances for a girl in merchant Navy…
@Lubhawani: There are females achieving great heights in merchant navy (even their number is less). All you need is determination and passion. Good luck.
@Abhishek: You can check the eligibility and Age factor when applying with 10+2 certificates: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
@Prachi: Please read this article for all the details: https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
Sir im a Bsc student but Pershing last years and i completed my 12 in 2014 with 81% in and we are working in HDFC ERGO GENERAL INSURGENCE COMPANY EXP-2 YEARS How can i join merchant navy and
With BSC, you cannot apply for merchant navy. Please check this article for age and the educational requirement to see if you are eligible for this career:
sir, is American or usa company choose Indian cadets for merchant navy?
I m willing to join Merchant Navy.But I have some problem that I have hearing disability not fully deaf and dumb I can speak and hearing but what if l failed in this process can I able to give next exam?If it yes then can I join this entrance on this year my age is 17 now.
@Sameep: To work on the ship, you should not have any kind of hearing disability. Please check this details for more info:
@RishaV: It depends. If they have manning offices in India, they will.
Is there any benefit of clearing jee main and advanced before joining merchant navy
@Arshdeep: Now you have IMUCET for maritime colleges.
Sir I am a PCB student passed out till 12 will I be able to join merchant navy??
What is the current scenario of marine engineers, I heard there is a lot of waiting time after GME course and what about Fresher’s who complete their course and had to wait for contracts. How good is merchant Navy now? Reply me Thank you.
@Sai: The market is not that great for entry-level candidates. Even officers of operation levels are finding it difficult to get a job.
@Zainah: Please check this article for eligibility requirement- https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/joining-merchant-navy-class-12th-india/
Sir i have only 10th class cartificate
I can join in machenty navy if yes what to do next step
@Ramarao: Please check this article for the detailed explanation- https://www.marineinsight.com/a-guide-to-join-merchant-navy/#Twelve_Point_Header
Respected sir I am Pawan .I got 67%in 12th board .will I be able to get job for marine engineering.currently I’m pursuing b.tech in IMU.As the scenario of placement is getting down day by day and market is also flooding.plz give some advice. I’ll be very thankful to you.
Sir I have completed my diploma in electronics and tele communication after 10th. So can I join navy ? And tell me procedure…
@Rebecca: Can you please clarify which field you are interested in joining: Merchant Navy or Defence Navy?
Sir,. I have done my graduation from commerce stream…am I eligible in any college for joining merchant Navy.
@Shivani: Please check this article- https://www.marineinsight.com/a-guide-to-join-merchant-navy/
For becoming an officer, you need to have PCM in 10+2.
Respected sir,
I am still studying in C.B.S.E 10th class, my board exams are in the month of March.
I am 16 year old
So, my doubt is that, is I am eligible for joining merchant navy.
Thank you.
@Balraje: If you want to pursue a career of merchant navy officer, you need to complete 10+2 in PCM with 60% marks. Please read more https://www.marineinsight.com/a-guide-to-join-merchant-navy/
I am Sunil I am in 11
Pcmb students
Can a pcmb students eligible to join merchant navy sir ??
Please tell me
@Sunil: Yes, You are eligible.
Sir I clear my diploma in Mechanical engineering in may 2019.
What can l do next to join merchant Navy, please tell me
If IMUCET EXAM is not clear then how one can join merchant navy??
Sir my self Amruthavarshini sir I have completed my 12th standard with mpc. Sir I’m willing to join in merchant navy .Sir could u please give me an advise that which course is safe for women to settle as soon as possible and cold u pleasee give me information when and how To apply for merchant navy course
sir I’m electrical diploma student
Can i join merchant navy
@Sachin: You can opt for the career of an ETO – https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/career-of-electro-technical-officer-on-ship/
@Amrutha: You can opt for deck or engine department suiting your career goals. Can you please elaborate your second question: Settle as soon as possible?
Sir,does the carrier oppurtunities of merchant navy increasing or decreasing for the future generation
@Ananthakrishnan: Predicting the future is quite a difficult task nowadays. Looking at the “Bad Job availability” scenario which is being continued for the last couple of years, we only can hope good from the future.
Hello sir ,
Myself Ankush
I’ve completed my class 12th with PCM this year
I want to ask that after completion of btech in mechanical from IMU immediately do I get a job at the junior engineer post.
If not then please tell which post do I get immediate after my btech.
Secondly I want to ask which post in merchant navy will I get first after btech from IMU having good score in btech
Hi , I am 26 years old living in india. How do I join merchant Navy. Are jobs available after course ?
@Rishi: The maximum age requirement is 25 years. Please check this link for additional info on how to join merchant navy – https://www.marineinsight.com/a-guide-to-join-merchant-navy/
Hi,I om studying in class 10th wants to become merchant. which is the best college for doing further education after 12th pcm?
I hope you will give me an idea to do my further education education to become a merchant.
@Ankush: The Current job market is not that great. Freshers are finding it difficult to get placement and complete the initial training on the ship. If your institute can provide placement, that is the best scenario.
You will have to complete your training on ship irrelevant of which college you opt or your good score. You will be joining as Jr engineer.
Please check this article- https://www.marineinsight.com/careers-2/a-guide-to-merchant-navy-officer-ranks/